Infuse Your Life With Torah Study
Summer Programs at Yeshivas Elimelech for Students Ages 17 to 23
The Rabbi Zvi and Rebbetzin Bella Zakheim zt"l Summer Internship Program for Young Men
Generously Sponsored by Honorable Dr. Dov and Ms. Deborah Bing Zakheim and Rabbi Joshua and Ms. Razie Strahl-Zakheim
We are excited to announce our first summer internship program! Participants will be provided with room and board at our yeshiva, and will learn in morning and night seder. Yeshivas Elimelech will connect them with internships in the field of their choice, so they can gain experience and see first-hand how Torah study enhances a successful career.
Space is limited! To join, please contact Rav Shmuel Herzfeld, rosh yeshiva, at rabbishmuelherzfeld@gmail.com.
Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Zakheim (1910-2002) served as legal advisor to the Lithuanian Jewish Community and as personal advisor to Hagaon Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, zt"l. He also practiced as an attorney in Shanghai, China looking after the interests of the yeshivot that were there, and then as an attorney in New York. He was also the Rav of the Rozhenoi kehilla in New York and was the author of Zvi Hasanhedrin, a compendium of commentaries on Masechet Sanhedrin.
Rebbetzin Bella Zakheim (1915-2006), a scion of the Monastritch chassidic dynasty, was a Hebrew teacher prior to her marriage, and subsequently was a Professor of English as a Second Language at what was then Touro College (now Touro University).
Summer Kollel for Young Men and Women
During the summer of 2022, we were privileged to have over 60 students learn with us in our men's and women's kollel programs. We look forward to many of our students returning this summer and for new students to join us as well!
To join our kollel, please contact Rav Shmuel Herzfeld, rosh yeshiva, at rabbishmuelherzfeld@gmail.com.
“At the yeshiva I was able to strengthen my dedication and time to learning Jewish texts and growing my Jewish identity. The yeshiva and its students make up a very warm and loving atmosphere where everyone has a voice! That’s what I appreciate the most. I always know that I have a resource for learning Torah for the rest of my life wherever I am.”
– Zevi Lawrence, Yeshivas Elimelech kollel student