Yeshivas Elimelech students are men and women of all ages and backgrounds, interested in serious Torah study as a way of life.
“One day at a time, and one class at a time, learning Torah and Talmud became the focal point of the day. This is an opportunity I never believed would come my way, and there is no going back. Now we’ve added daily Mishnah, Rambam and Rashi study.
Yeshivas Elimelech is bringing us together with like-minded people who can enhance our learning and ability to do mitzvot.”
— Deborah Kopp
“Yeshivas Elimelch has allowed me to start my day with a bang. I get up and I am immediately serving Hashem and then I am challenging my mind with the rigors of the daf. It has also helped me become a more knowledgeable Jew.”
— Isaac Kushner
“I believe Torah education is the key to living a balanced and meaningful life. It challenges us to continue to learn every single day and leaves us with a longing for more of it!
Yeshivas Elimelech has been an integral part of my life, the relationships I have fostered with the different members, the amount of personal guidance and learning with the Rosh Yeshiva, and most of all the Torah-infused environment the Yeshiva inspires me to live in my day-to-day life, is why Yeshiva Elimelech will be a part of me forever!”
— Ben Winters
“Daf Yomi is the best part of my day, without a doubt. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to learn Torah while being part of a warm and welcoming group of individuals. Moreover, I am thankful to learn everyday from one of the most inspirational, energizing, and motivational rabbis I have ever met!
In the last year, I have learned more halacha, religious scholarship, and Jewish history than I thought was possible. I have grown my relationship with Hashem tenfold, striving everyday to commit myself to religious learning and being a better person.
Since becoming involved with the Yeshiva, I am so much more well-versed in holiday observance, which helps me be a more effective educator as a teacher in a Jewish day school.”
— Rose Haas
“Before Yeshivas Elimelech, I had a foundation in Judaism. However, at the yeshiva I was able to strengthen my dedication and time to learning Jewish texts and growing in my Jewish identity.
The yeshiva and its students make up a very warm and loving atmosphere where everyone has a voice! That’s what I appreciate the most. I always know that I have a resource for learning Torah for the rest of my life wherever I am.”
— Zevi Lawrence
“As a University of MD student, attending Yeshivas Elimelech has been an amazing experience. It’s so great to have a true yeshiva environment with a beis full of students wishing to add Torah to their daily routine.”
– Dani Deutsch
We value our students and their individual backgrounds and experiences with learning. Here’s what they have to say about how regular Torah study with Yeshivas Elimelech has enhanced their lives:
“This semester I had the privilege to be able to learn in the Yeshivat Elimelech on Thursday nights for mishmar! There was a great learning atmosphere and food every week for guys like me in college. Yeshivas Elimelech gave us an opportunity to continue learning at a high level while also being in classes.”
– Elie Lowenstein
“I am so very grateful to Rabbi Herzfeld for this unique yeshiva where I can study and pray each day—with the memory of Rabbi Ben Mintz urging all of us to learn more, and do more. There is an energy here that is palpable and truly inspiring— a light that elevates the beauty, depth, and wisdom of our tradition.”
– Jeffrey Burt
“Being in college means that it is difficult for me to have a structured place and time for my Torah learning. Yeshivas Elimelech has been a place for me to continue my growth past yeshiva in a serious and structured manner even with all the challenges and distractions that college poses.”
– Mo Milner